
A Selection of Critical Mass in Music, Films, Literature and Beyond


redhousepainter 发表于08/18/2010, 归类于redhousepainter, 博客.

u2和joy division

  1998年年底,u2出版双张精选集,这大概是我第一次接触u2的b sides作品,bono版的【人鬼情未了】无疑天雷滚滚。
  已忘了当时在哪本音乐杂志上看到一段话:u2的第一支单曲出自joy division制作人Martin Hannett之手。
  2005年,观看new order纪录片,bono如幽灵般飘来,哼了两句:love,love will tear us apart again。。。。。
  2007年,我捧着重量能砸死人的u2自传《u2 by u2》,心潮起伏。四个家伙的一段对话让我的眼睛,眼镜,下巴几乎同时坠下:我们第一次去拜访Martin Hannett,joy division正巧在录音室里录制love will tear us apart,我们和他们只有一道玻璃之隔。
  2008年,观看grant gee拍摄的joy division纪录片,影像资料详实。在dvd花絮中,peter hook带着醋意和嫉妒的口吻说:u2窃取了joy division的血肉,不然我们才是如今的u2。
  2010年7月18日,我在苏州火车站,于百无聊赖间翻看三月份的《uncut》,打发时间。没想到在joy division专题文章中看到一段话,如实还原1980年那一晚,两支乐团和一位制作人:
  another night,michael johnson went to answer the doorbell at the studio and found”these four little bedraggled irishmen stood there saying,’is martin hannett here?’ this was u2.they’d obviously walked from the bus stop,four little urchins,soaking wet.I can’t recall how long they spent there,but they talking to martin about working with him.
  ”I walked in and saw these really skinny little young kids staring open-mouthed at martin,” says hook. “I think I went and got the others,saying,”come and have alook at thers turkeys,they’re terrified.’ because we were 23 then,they were just kids.we were the daddies.martin was having a meeting with them and they were practically bloody shaking.at the time,it appealed to my warped sense of humour.”
  summer:“they seemd like pretty nice chaps.I think they were joy division fans.I have said some bitchy things about bono since then,but the truth is,if I’m honset,I’m a little bit jealous of them. they were our peers,but things seemed to go so smoothly for them,whereas things seemed to go disastrously wrong for us at everyturn.we seemd to be ill-fated…”
  另一个有意思的段子,录制【love will tear us apart】时,tony wilson建议ian在唱腔上借鉴frank sinatra,ian因此被其余三位队友集体鄙视之,ian回:你们不晓得frank sinatra的好。

One Comment

  1. 胡凌云


    97年写了一篇题为《U2赶时髦》的文章发在小报上,本来是写Pop,但还真的把U2和DM比了一下,而且应该也提了U2受了JD影响——当然我当时没有任何资料,都是瞎猜。I will follow的节奏敲得真干脆,再加点混响肯定很JD。那个时候很喜欢那种声音。

    哦,当然还有The Cure的第二三四张神作。这些都是真正的“英式”。


