
A Selection of Critical Mass in Music, Films, Literature and Beyond


redhousepainter 发表于08/31/2010, 归类于redhousepainter, 博客.


几年前在《wax poetics》看到jab’o starks和clyde stubbefield的采访,两位鼓王报怨hip hop小孩子只知道付给james brown采样版税,却不知道【funky drummer】等经典break与james brown无关。

类似的较真(其实谈不上较真,其实只不过出于一位音乐家应有的自尊),仔细数一下,也碰到过几次。比方说另一次,也是几年前某天闲逛amazon,在herbie hancock《sextant》的网友评论中居然看见patrick gleeson露真身,这位资深synth player&herbie的老团友替自己【伸冤】道:

Look, it is indeed an innovative recording, and much credit is due Herbie for big ears and hearing what it was I was doing and incorporating it into his band (from Crossings to Sextant and a few guest recording appearances afterward, none of significance after Sextant). But, darnit, they weren’t Herbie’s innovations, they were mine. I fought my way into the band (even Herbie’s rock/funk oriented producer, David Rubinson, initially had doubts), and when I first joined the band, Downbeat slammed Crossings, saying “the less said about the synth player the better,” and then a year and a half later nominated me for outstanding new jazz artist and called me a pioneer of electronic jazz–which was literally true: I was the first guy there. But history has apparently decided otherwise (which is why we need better historians) and I’ve been “disappeared” in favor of a simpler story, where Herbie introduced synths to jazz. Not quite.




