
A Selection of Critical Mass in Music, Films, Literature and Beyond


redhousepainter 发表于10/06/2010, 归类于redhousepainter, 博客.



毋庸置疑,underworld新专辑是本年度音乐圈的悲剧性事件,其悲剧程度恶劣程度,堪比邵小毛(当underworld遭遇邵小毛?)。本月《future music》为我们揭开了悲剧之谜。


1.on this album, it’s more about celebration(今年是underworld成立30周年)….. trying to capture that feel of the live shows.making people dance and putting a smile on their face.(这最后一句话都ccav啊)

2.in the studio,I can get a bit…lost in the music. to most people,that probably sounds like a very romantic idea. spending three days sorting out a drum sound. spending a week adding a bit of atmosphere to the chorus. but after a whiles, you begin to lose your sense of perspective. others might call it obsession,but I call it idiocy. bloody-minded idiocy. it got to a poing where I just couldn’t let go of a track. I couldn’t actually bring myself to say,”this is ……finished”. see ,even now,I find it difficult. (三十年老鸟对制作音乐的厌倦)

3.I couldn’t listen to any of our stuff,because I was so critical of it all, I had no idea what we sound like and I had no idea if we were any good. at last I’m learing to let go(偶终于解脱了!). we’ve got quite a few collaboration on this album,that meant I had to,literally, take a step back from the mixing desk. and guess what……my world didn’t fall apart!(偶发现捣糨糊也没关系嘛!)

4.到采访中段,记者很不知趣的问rick smith:is karl there for the whole recording process?rick长年来活在studio里的压抑和厌倦再次爆发:

no! I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. who the hell wants to sit there for two days because I have a vague idea that there might be something wrong with the drums?I seem to be heavily geared towards being able to sit there for 18 hours a da,messing around with intangibles……..

5.rick smith提及当年darren emerson离队后,自己的不堪重负:

I loathed to call myself a producer…….I just concentrate on sound. I suppose I think of myself as an engineer. but afte dubnobass…….I realised I need to teach myself how to do all this stuff. I had no choice really. I had no money to pay for someone els to produce the music I was interested in music. I guess that’ when the problem started. the obsession.the idiocy.never knowing if a track was finished. never knowing if it was any good.

专访中较有意思的段落是rick smith闲聊起dx7,bell-peal,systems music。dx7真乃舞曲音乐人的大爱合成器,没记错的话,brian eno也是dx 7的huge fan。

全篇的絮叨总结下来一句话:咱再也不想当studio里的宅男,咱要学会放手,放轻松,let it go!特别是读到“never knowing if a track was finished. never knowing if it was any good.”这两句时,偶对underworld新专辑的不解,愤怒,嘲讽。。。。所有负面情绪立马化为水蒸气,心中默念一句:在这个无能为力的大时代(音乐大时代)。






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